Flash Binary
There are different methods to flash binary. We use ST-Link or JLink to flash binary to stm32 microcontrollers.
To install stlink-tools, jlink and STM32CubeProgrammer, see installation and also setup.
1. Flash using ST-Link
Connect your ST-Link to your microcontroller:
If you want to provide power to controller using stlink, connect their 3V3
.They are connected internally or through mini jumpers on the boards.
1.1. Flash using command
Run this commnad in Terminal.
# st-flash [--reset] write <build-directory/binaryfile.bin> <start-address>
st-flash write buid/BasicSetup.bin 0x8000000
Use --reset
option to reset afetr flash. Change binary file name to your program name.
# STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -w <build_directory>/<program_name>.bin 0x8000000
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -w build/BasicSetup.bin 0x8000000
Add -c port=SWD reset=SWrst
at the end of line to reset after flash. Change binary file name to your program name.
To reset after flash, make sure that reset pin of st-link is connected to reset pin of microcontroller. Otherwise, it will not work and give error. In discovery board, it is connected by default.
You do not need to write the long commnad every time, you can add them in Makefile
, CMakeLists.txt
or create flash.sh
1.2. Makefile setup for flasing using ST-Link
Add these at the bottom of Makefile.
flash: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin st-flash write $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin 0x8000000 pflash: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin CubeProgrammer -c port=SWD -w $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin 0x8000000
If you want to reset after flash, update to:
flash: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin st-flash --reset write $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin 0x8000000 pflash: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin CubeProgrammer -c port=SWD -w $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).bin 0x8000000 -c port=SWD reset=SWrst
Flash binary.
make flash
make pflash
1.2. CMakeLists.txt setup for flashing using ST-Link
Add these lines at the bottom of CMakeLists.txt.
# Flash target add_custom_target(flash COMMAND st-flash write ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.bin 0x8000000 DEPENDS ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} COMMENT "Flashing binary to microcontroller" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) # Flash target add_custom_target(pflash COMMAND STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -w ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.bin 0x8000000 DEPENDS ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} COMMENT "Flashing binary to microcontroller" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} )
Flash binary by running this command from
folder after buildingbinary
.make flash
make pflash
1.3. Bash script setup for flashing using ST-Link
at project folder.touch flash.sh
Add follwing lines.
flash.sh#!/bin/bash set +e st-flash write buid/BasicSetup.bin 0x8000000
flash.sh#!/bin/bash set +e STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -w build/BasicSetup.bin 0x8000000
Change binary file name to your program name.
executable.chmod +x flash.sh
Flash binary.
The most preferred method for Makefile is writting command in the Makefile and for CMake is creating flash.sh
2. Flash using JLink
Connect your JLLink to your microcontroller:
SWCLK of stlink to SWCLK of controller
SWIO of stlink to SWIO of controller
GND of stlink to GND of controller
VREF of jlink to 3V3 of controller
Jlink does not provide power to controller.
is used to check the voltage logic only.Create
file at your project folder.flash.sh#!/bin/bash set +e JLinkExe -if SWD -speed 4000 -autoconnect 1 -CommanderScript flash.jlink
file at your project folder.flash.jlinkdevice STM32F103C6 r h loadbin build/<your_binary_filename>.bin, 0x08000000 r g exit
device name
andbinary filename
executable.chmod +x flash.sh
Flash binary.
There are also other methods to flash binary. You can use internal bootloader and USB to UART converter to flash binary using UART pins. To get into bootloader mode, you need to connect BOOT0
to 3V3
and reset the controller. Then you can use stm32flash
or STM32CubeProgrammer
to flash binary. Some microcontrollers supports internal USB bootloader. If not, you can also create USB bootloader. Then, you can use dfu-util
to flash binary using USB. Making USB bootloader is a bit complex and need to be done carefully. It also consumes some flash memory. So, it is not recommended for small memory microcontrollers.